One Year Discipleship With Gospel For Asia

Brothers and Sisters,

This is a tremendous opportunity for perhaps yourself or your sons and daughters be involved for 1 year of missions, servanthood and learning to walk with Jesus Christ. "My life has been personally blessed and touched by the servanthood and devotion exhibited by the staff at the Gospel For Asia work and speaking to the dean of this program impressed on me that this is a great place to see young people go for 1 year after highschool." - Greg Gordon

The GFA School of Discipleship is open to dedicated Christian single adults ages 18-25. IMAGINE . . . drawing closer to the heart of Christ, stretching your faith, growing deeper in your walk with the One whose heart yearns for the nations, helping give "Untouchable" children a future of hope, actively supporting the work of thousands of national missionaries in Asia, participating in Bible study and rigorous discipleship, increasing your passion for the lost, You CAN: APPLY HERE