Submit to Resist by Bill McLeod

Over the years I have had quite a number of cases of people who seemed to be wanting deliverance from some sin but never got victory. The reason in most cases was not applying James 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore unto God; resist the Devil and he will flee from you.” One young convert suddenly found he had a strong homosexual lust although he hated this thing and had no prior interest, another was an alcoholic who got drunk many times after being saved. I asked the homosexual fellow what his attitude to his parents was and he told me how he hated his father but loved his mother. I told him he had to love his father for Scripture tells us we are to honour both our parents (Ephesians 6:2). It does not say honour your parents because they are nice people. His father was a wicked man. Note the context in Ephesians, it says that if you honour your parents it will be ‘well’ with you. I told him it would never be well with him until he went to his father and made things right with him. He finally yielded and did so and the next day the homosexual thing was completely gone and never returned. The other brother, an alcoholic, heard me preach on this passage in James and realized he had to submit to God before he would be able to resist the Devil. He had jumped bail some twenty years before and had been hiding from the police those twenty years.

He then went to the police and gave himself up. They were so impressed by this that they let him go. By submitting to the Lord he immediately found strength from God to resist the Devil and never got drunk again. People tell me it doesn’t pay to resist the Devil because he still keeps winning the battle and I simply tell them he will keep winning until we make things right with the Lord and others. The context in James 4 has to do with us humbling ourselves. Verse 6 says that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.

It is really a pride problem. You need Gods’ power to drive the Devil away and you don’t get this power unless we find out what God is concerned about. Pray that prayer He gave us in Psalm 139:23,24, “Search me of God and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me.” He will do this for you.

Then you must confess and forsake the sin and make things right where necessary. Please note Job 33:27-3O. We are told here that if we say, “I have sinned and perverted that which was right and it profits me not” then God delivers him. Note also Job 36:7-12, the writer is speaking of the righteous in verse 7 and he goes on to say if they be bound in fetters and be held in cords of affliction then he shows them their work, and their transgressions that they have exceeded, he opens also their ear to discipline and commands that they return from iniquity. He goes on to say that if they fail to obey they will get into more serious trouble. It is a submitting to God and then resisting the Devil.