A Need For Reformation And Revival In the Home


God has placed an anointing upon Denny Kenaston to call the church back to a burden for the family. Thousands of this tape set have been sent out all over the world in the last twelve years. Many Families have fallen on their faces in repentance, and received a new vision for a Godly Home. Your heart and your home will be challenged and changed by these tapes. May God bless you. This new series was preached in January 2003. (To download the messages right click on the titles and choose 'save target as').

The Godly Home Series

Part 1 - The Holy Art of Training Children
Part 2 - The Foundation of a Godly Home
Part 3 - The Eternal Value of a Child
Part 4 - A Vision that Motivates
Part 5 - A Godly Heritage Today
Part 6 - Bible Pictures of Promise
Part 7 - More Pictures of Promise
Part 8 - Wholehearted Households
Part 9 - The Key to Obedience is Blessings
Part 10 - The Hearts of the Fathers Must Turn
Part 11 - The Rod is Love
Part 12 - A Sacred Exercise
Part 13 - The Training of the Will
Part 14 - The Bondage of Foolishness
Part 15 - Father - the Anointed Teacher
Part 16 - Train Up a Child
Part 17 - A Quiet, Ordered Life
Part 18 - Three Mysterious Influences in the Home
Part 19 - Children - a Dwelling Place for the Living God
Part 20 - Father is a Watchman
Part 21 - The Hidden Women
Part 22 - Where are the Men
Part 23 - Fighting Battles for the Next Generation
Part 24 - Godly men have radiant Wives
Part 25 - Joining the Next Generation
Part 26 - Youth - Anointed Disciples of Jesus Christ
Part 27 - Households on Fire
Part 28 - The Overtaking Blessings on the Second Generation