SermonIndex Vision Re-Focused


There is always a need every few months or years to re-focus the vision of why this ministry exists. I feel it is very good to have a re-focusing time every few months even to ensure things aren't going off in directions that seem to be wrong or not the "best" way the Lord is leading.

With that said there will be some changes coming with sermonindex and a focusing on some neglected parts of the ministry. I remember 8 years ago receiving videos of Leonard Ravenhill and watching the 2 hour interview video. It did something to my spirit that I have never recovered from. God through Ravenhill's burden and ministry introduced me to much of Spirit-Filled Christians from the past centuries.

Thank you for your continued prayers saints for my life and this ministry. May God continue to bear much fruit through this ministry as it just is the "2 loaves and fish" in the hands of Jesus Christ.

A Man Of God Interview: