Daily Readings with Basilea Schlink - August 11

Do not let happiness pass you by. You are being offered a life of joy and happiness, love and spiritual authority. This offer comes with a guarantee against disappointment — because the One making it is the Lord your God, who keeps His promises. In no time at all you could be happy and fulfilled. Just reach out.

When you open your hand, though, you first have to release your grip on whatever you are holding on to, possibly things incapable of ensuring happiness anyway, perhaps things which are not even good. Let go and place them beneath the cross of Jesus. God the Father has erected this cross out of love — the cross on which His Son hung so that we might find salvation and happiness. Only there can you find healing for your soul. Come to the cross daily with your sins and burdens. At Calvary they will be taken from you, and God will bless you and make you happy. Come to Jesus. He will fulfil the deepest longings of your heart.

from: http://www.kanaan.org/international/daily_readings/august.htm