On Radio Stations - Official Page


It has been wonderful to see these sermons spread over the last 10 years across the entire world. We have never and will never by God's grace sell any of the sermons: 'Freely you have received; freely give.' (Matthew 10:8). This is a work of God and not man. We are thankful for all the testimonies that have flooded in bringing much glory to the Lamb of God. Of recent some radio stations have been contact us desiring to brodcast some of these sermons freely as a show on their station. We see this as a further example of how God is spreading these messags that have such value in our day. If you are a radio station owner or operator do consider using these sermons on your station to bring great spiritual impact to your listeners. Read some of the commendations from ministry leaders of the impact and uniqueness of the ministry of

Currently there are 2 stations that are carrying sermons. Do check these out live and consider praying over the radio times that God would use them mightily for His glory: