Here is a summary:
Western missions agencies have been producing Bible translations that remove “Father”, “Son”, and “Son of God”, because these terms are offensive to Muslims. For example, Frontiers worked with a Wycliffe/SIL consultant to produce True Meaning of the Gospel of Christ, an Arabic translation which removes “Father” in reference to God, and removes or redefines “Son,” e.g. the Great Commission in Mt 28:19 reads, “Cleanse them by water in the name of God, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit.” A Turkish translation of Matthew, produced by Frontiers and distributed by SIL, uses “guardian” for “Father” and “representative” or “proxy” for “Son.” Biblically and theologically, this is a tragedy, as removing “Father” and “Son” compromises our understanding of the Trinity, the person and work of Jesus, and the Bible itself. Despite years of internal protest, resignations, articles, private and group confrontation, these agencies remain committed to this agenda. But followers of Christ around the world are responding. Here is the link to the petition