THE CHURCH of GOD'S GLORY! -by David Wilkerson

"In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious,
and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them
that are escaped of Israel" (Isaiah 4:2).

All through the Old Testament, the branch that is mentioned as
coming forth is none other than Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.
According to Isaiah, there will be a church to whom He will appear
beautiful, excellent and comely. They will be passionately in love
with a Man whom they see as glorious.

Right now there is a remnant church that desires nothing but Christ.
He is the center of attraction and the people focus totally on Him.
These are the ones Isaiah refers to as being ". . . escaped of Israel"
(same verse). Indeed, the last-days church that will be filled with
God's glory is more than just a forgiven church. It is a holy church,
one that has been purged by the consuming fire of God's convicting
Word. Holiness and purity characterize its people. Isaiah adds,
"He that is left in Zion . . . shall be called holy, even every one that
is written among the living in Jerusalem" (verse 3).

The best evidence here that Isaiah is referring to the last-days
church is found in verse 5: "And the Lord will create upon every
dwelling place . . . a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining
of a flaming fire by night" (Isaiah 4:5).

Isaiah is predicting that God will create a new pillar and cloud to
cover His people. We know that when Isaiah prophesied this, the
pillar and cloud in the wilderness had already passed away.
Obviously, this was something that had yet to be created—a new thing!

The cloud has to do with direction and comfort, with preservation
from evil and terror, and with guidance. This means God's last-days
remnant people will have clear direction.

God is saying "I am going to see you through. Even in the worst
storm, you will have clear direction from Me because I will give
you a pillar of fire to lead you as I did Israel in the wilderness!"
