Free Classic Sermon Script

You can now put a selection of some of the best classical sermons from on your web site. By using just a few lines of code you can add over 100 audio sermons to a page on your blog or website for free. All the sermon links on that page load a player on your website so you do not lose any of your traffic. This is a great way to share some powerful life-changing messages with the viewers on your website or blog. You will need to simply copy the code below pressing the 'select all' button and then pressing CTRL+C to copy it to your clipboard. And then to press CTRL+V to copy it into your website page. If you are using a blog you will want to press the HTML tab on the new post window and then paste it. A great way to show this script on your blog is to setup a 'new page' and call it: Sermons, or Classic Sermons, etc.

 Here is a website example of the script in action: - Sermons 

Simply go here to get the code to get it on your site: