'I am grateful to the Lord for Greg Gordon and SermonIndex. I know of no other place where one can get so many free materials from people who have not flinched from the cross of Christ and have lived lives that we can follow. This site is just what the body of Christ needs to prepare us for our Lord's return.'
- K.P. Yohannan (International Director of Gospel for Asia).
'How I thank the Lord for this great website and ministry. I am thankful that they make known so many of my own messages given over the last 50 years around the globe and so many other great messages. We need to all make this site more known.'
- George Verwer (Founder of Operation Mobilisation)
'Sermonindex.net has done the Body of Christ a great service by compiling and cataloguing thousands of sermons related to revival. Congratulations on ten years of ministry.'
- Byron Paulus (Executive Director of Life Action Ministries)
'Tell me another place online where you can listen to sermons from giants of the past like A. W. Tozer and Duncan Campbell, from passionate men of God like Leonard Ravenhill and David Wilkerson and Art Katz, from women with burning hearts like Basilea Schlink and Jackie Pullinger. What a gift from God to this generation is SermonIndex! In an age of extreme superficiality and shallowness -- much of it driven by the Internet -- it is only fitting that the Internet hosts a deep, penetrating website like this. May the fire go forth from here and touch multiplied millions!'
- Dr. Michael L. Brown (President, FIRE School of Ministry).
'I enjoy using sermon index because it allows me to listen to messages from preachers who have gone on to glory. It is important that we remember we stand on the shoulders of giants. Hearing these voices reminds me, 'If it's new, it's not true.' These Biblically based messages allow us to check ourselves. They especially give preachers who have limited resources for sermon preparation, a valuable tool to enhance their study.'
- Michael Catt (Pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church).
'Thanks SermonIndex for the collection of so many worthwhile messages from such godly preachers, teachers and writers. We are benefiting greatly from the easy access to such powerful material. Thanks for all of your work and generosity toward the body of Christ!'
- Rich Carmicheal (Editor, Herald Of His Coming)
'Surely this instrument (SermonIndex) has been Divinely forged for such a time as this. An effective tool in the hand of the Holy Spirit with which He has stirred the hearts of many to expect God to visit us again.'
- David Legge (Preacher/Evangelist, Preach The Word).
'When I think of the ministry of Sermon Index Isa. 59:19 quickly comes to my heart. 'When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.' The enemy surely has come in, but God will engage him. Sermon Index is one of His ways to engage the enemy. Praise God for a clear standard and banner to rally the troops with.'
- Denny Kenaston (Author Of The Godly Home Series).
'God has uniquely raised up Sermonindex.net as one of the primarily websites for pastors, church leaders, and interested believers who are trusting Him for revival in our day. This website allows us to feast on the treasures of godly men both past and present whose hearts and ministries God has profoundly touched to bless the world.'
- Ralph Sutera (Revivalist, Used in the 1970 revival in Canada).
'Sermon Index has influenced the lives of many thousands of people in a profound way. Recently a man came to see me who had listened to one of my sermons on-line. He said his small group was brought to a place of tears as the Lord took His Word and spoke to their hearts. May the Lord receive all the glory, and may SermonIndex.net continue to provide the means for people to hear His Word.'
- John McGregor (Pastor, Glencairn Alliance Church).
'A few years ago a friend introduced me to the ministry of Sermonindex and I was so blessed as I listened to sermons by some of the spiritual giants of the past. What a wealth of powerful preaching that most of us would never have access to if it were not for Sermonindex. One can only wonder how God will use this ministry in the next ten years.
John Bennett (Director, Faith Mission in Canada).
'I believe that God has initiated Sermon Index for His Glory and His purposes. Listeners can encounter Him more intimately through the preaching and listening of messages that stirs and warm the heart. I am so glad that Greg Gordon has responded to the prompting of our Lord to provide such a practical tool that could at the same time be used as a catalyst of Revival.'
- Francois Carr (Founder, Heart Cry South Africa).
'I can't think of one time I've ever been disappointed while perusing the SermonIndex site. For those who are desiring to be fed with Christ-centered sermons and materials, there is no other place online that I recommend more highly than SermonIndex. Thank, SermonIndex, for 10 years of faithfully doing your part in spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom to the uttermost parts of the earth.'
- Scott Volk (Pastor, FIRE Church, Charlotte, NC).
'Holy men of God preached in olden times because they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Such preaching is what Sermonindex.net has so ably capsulated for the hearer. Listen and be transformed.'
- David Ford (Preacher/Evangelist, Globe For Christ).
'Sermon index has become my 'goto' site for kindling the hearth of my heart to a flame. Sermon index is a non commercialized site that provides heart rending sermons of a bygone era, with messages that are desperately needed for my heart and the body of Christ today.'
- Kevin J Turner (President of Strategic World Impact)
'We are in desperate need of revival in our time and Sermonindex is being used by God to awaking the church to this need. Thank you for being willing to be obedient to the vision from Heaven' in continuing with this vital ministry.'
- Clayton Dougan (Preacher/Evangelist, Evangelism International).
'I have known Greg for five years now as a man of God with a very humble and meek spirit. Sermon Index is the outgrowth of his walk with God and has been a powerful tool for the Holy Spirit to use in ministering to the body of Christ world wide.'
- Don Courville (Pastor, Marantha Baptist Church).
'In an hour when truth is hard to find here is a resource for genuine believers to be preserved, instructed and stirred. I also commend Bro Gordon for providing such material free for the sake of promoting the person of Christ and the message of genuine revival.
- Keith Malcomson (Director, School of Christ International).
'After 10-years of faithfulness, SermonIndex stands out as one of the top on-line resources...underscoring the enormous importance of the Spirit's power and the desperate need for sound doctrine.'
- Shane Idleman (Pastor Of West Side Christian Fellowship)
'SermonIndex.Net is a powerful ministry and a great encouragement to the body of Christ. There is no charge, fee, or membership - which is amazing. I know Greg personally and he is a real man of God, with a huge servant's heart.'
-Randy Jones (Pastor Of Christ Our Lord Church)
'Gordon started exploring old messages and old books after being left disatisfied by some contemporary preaching. Stirred by his discoveries, Gordon designed a web site committed to the preservation and propogation of classical preaching in its audio form for this generation and the next.'
-Karen Stiller (Faith Today Canadian Magazine, Full Magazine interview)
A Word From The Founder
It is interesting how almost 10 years have passed since this website ministry began. Initially, I considered it just a personal response to my relationship with Jesus Christ and very exciting to share these impacting sermons with others. As time went on God clearly revealed that He has a purpose and plan through this website. There have been many failures and times of great successes, but the only true consistency has been the focus, glorification and trust in the person of Jesus Christ. I wrote a short paragraph to myself many years ago and felt it worthwhile to re-read many times since. It is what I heard the Lord speaking to my heart one day:
Remember it is the work of the Lord! God began it and He will be faithful to finish it for His testimony and glory. You are just a little boy with a few loaves and fish to give to Jesus. Depend on Him, not on yourself nor your abilities, ministry experience or self-confidence. Remember! It is still: Not by might, not by power but by His Spirit. A time is coming when you will stand before God. Everything done for self-promotion, praise of men or success will be burnt away, just a heap of ashes! The will of your Heavenly Father should be your only concern.
May God continue to be glorified greatly in this work, and may it build His kingdom only.
-Greg Gordon