THE CHURCH of GOD'S GLORY! -by David Wilkerson

"In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious,
and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them
that are escaped of Israel" (Isaiah 4:2).

All through the Old Testament, the branch that is mentioned as
coming forth is none other than Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.
According to Isaiah, there will be a church to whom He will appear
beautiful, excellent and comely. They will be passionately in love
with a Man whom they see as glorious.

Right now there is a remnant church that desires nothing but Christ.
He is the center of attraction and the people focus totally on Him.
These are the ones Isaiah refers to as being ". . . escaped of Israel"
(same verse). Indeed, the last-days church that will be filled with
God's glory is more than just a forgiven church. It is a holy church,
one that has been purged by the consuming fire of God's convicting
Word. Holiness and purity characterize its people. Isaiah adds,
"He that is left in Zion . . . shall be called holy, even every one that
is written among the living in Jerusalem" (verse 3).

The best evidence here that Isaiah is referring to the last-days
church is found in verse 5: "And the Lord will create upon every
dwelling place . . . a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining
of a flaming fire by night" (Isaiah 4:5).

Isaiah is predicting that God will create a new pillar and cloud to
cover His people. We know that when Isaiah prophesied this, the
pillar and cloud in the wilderness had already passed away.
Obviously, this was something that had yet to be created—a new thing!

The cloud has to do with direction and comfort, with preservation
from evil and terror, and with guidance. This means God's last-days
remnant people will have clear direction.

God is saying "I am going to see you through. Even in the worst
storm, you will have clear direction from Me because I will give
you a pillar of fire to lead you as I did Israel in the wilderness!"



Free Classic Sermon Script

You can now put a selection of some of the best classical sermons from on your web site. By using just a few lines of code you can add over 100 audio sermons to a page on your blog or website for free. All the sermon links on that page load a player on your website so you do not lose any of your traffic. This is a great way to share some powerful life-changing messages with the viewers on your website or blog. You will need to simply copy the code below pressing the 'select all' button and then pressing CTRL+C to copy it to your clipboard. And then to press CTRL+V to copy it into your website page. If you are using a blog you will want to press the HTML tab on the new post window and then paste it. A great way to show this script on your blog is to setup a 'new page' and call it: Sermons, or Classic Sermons, etc.

 Here is a website example of the script in action: - Sermons 

Simply go here to get the code to get it on your site:



Many Christians are suddenly launched into the experience of Romans 7 and they do not know why. They fancy Romans 6 is quite enough. Having grasped that, they think there can be no more question of failure, and then to their utmost surprise they suddenly find themselves in Romans 7. What is the explanation?

First let us be quite clear that the death with Christ described in Romans 6 is fully adequate to cover all our need. It is the explanation of that death, with all that follows from it, that is incomplete in chapter 6. We are as yet still in ignorance of the truth set forth in chapter 7. Romans 7 is given to us to explain and make real the statement in Romans 6.14, that: "Sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under law, but under grace." The trouble is that we do not yet know deliverance from law. What, then, is the meaning of law?

Grace means that God does something for me; law means that I do something for God. God has certain holy and righteous demands which He places upon me: that is law. Now if law means that God requires something of me for their fulfilment, then deliverance from law means that He no longer requires that from me, but Himself provides it. Law implies that God requires me to do something for Him; deliverance from law implies that He exempts me from doing it, and that in grace He does it Himself. I (where 'I' is the 'carnal' man of ch. 7. 14) need do nothing for God: that is deliverance from law. The trouble in Romans 7 is that man in the flesh tried to do something for God. As soon as you try to please God in that way, then you place yourself under law, and the experience of Romans 7 begins to be yours.

As we seek to understand this, let it be settled at the outset that the fault does not lie with the Law. Paul says, "the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and righteous, and good" [Rom. 7.12). No, there is nothing wrong with the Law, but there is something decidedly wrong with me. The demands of the Law are righteous, but the person upon whom the demands are made is unrighteous. The trouble is not that the Law's demands are unjust, but that I am unable to meet them. It may be all right for the Government to require payment of $100 but it will be all wrong if I have only ten shillings with which to meet the demand!

I am a man "sold under sin" [Rom. 7. 14). Sin has dominion over me. As long as you leave me alone I seem to be rather a fine type of man. It is when you ask me to do something that my sinfulness comes to light..

If you have a very clumsy servant and he just sits still and does nothing, then his clumsiness does not appear. If he does nothing all day he will be of little use to you, it is true, but at least he will do no damage that way. But if you say to him: 'Now come along, don't idle away your time; get up and do something', then immediately the trouble begins. He knocks the chair over as he gets up, stumbles over a footstool a few paces further on, then smashes some precious dish as soon as he handles it. If you make no demands upon him his clumsiness is never noticed, but as soon as you ask him to do anything his awkwardness is seen at once. The demands were all right, but the man was all wrong. He was as clumsy a man when he was sitting still as when he was working, but it was your demands that made manifest the clumsiness that was all the time in his make-up, whether he was active or inactive.

We are all sinners by nature. If God asks nothing of us, all seems to go well, but as soon as He demands something of us the occasion is provided for a grand display of our sinfulness. The Law makes our weakness manifest. While you let me sit still I appear to be all right, but when you ask me to do anything I am sure to spoil that thing, and if you trust me with a second thing I will as surely spoil it too. When a holy law is applied to a sinful man, then his sinfulness comes out in full display.

God knows who I am; He knows that from head to foot I am full of sin: He knows that I am weakness incarnate; that I can do nothing. The trouble is that I do not know it. I admit that all men are sinners and that therefore I am a sinner: but I imagine that I am not such a hopeless sinner as some. God must bring us all to the place where we see that we are utterly weak and helpless. While we say so, we do not wholly believe it, and God has to do something to convince us of the fact. Had it not been for the Law we should never have known how weak we are. Paul had reached that point. He makes this clear when he says in Romans 7. 7: "I had not known sin, except through the law: for I had not known coveting, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet". Whatever might be his experience with the rest of the Law, it was the tenth commandment, which literally translated is: "Thou shalt not desire . . ." that found him out. There his total failure and incapacity stared him in the face!

The more we try to keep the Law the more our weakness is manifest and the deeper we get into Romans 7, until it is clearly demonstrated to us that we are hopelessly weak. God knew it all along but we did not, and so God had to bring us through painful experiences to a recognition of the fact. We need to have our weakness proved to ourselves beyond dispute. That is why God gave us the Law.

So we can say, reverently, that God never gave us the Law to keep; He gave us the Law to break! He well knew that we could not keep it. We are so bad that He asks no favour and makes no demands. Never has any man succeeded in making himself acceptable to God by means of the Law. Nowhere in the New Testament are men of faith told that they are to keep the Law; but it does say that the Law was given so that there should be transgression. The law came in ... that the trespass might abound (Rom. 5. 20). The Law was given to make us lawbreakers! No doubt I am a sinner in Adam; "Howbeit, I had not known sin, except through the law: ... for apart from the law sin is dead . . . but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died" [Rom. 7. 7 - 9). The Law is that which exposes our true nature. Alas, we are so conceited, and think ourselves so strong, that God has to give us something to test us and prove how weak we are. At last we see it and confess: 'I am a sinner through and through, and I can of myself do nothing whatever to please God.'

No, the Law was not given in the expectation that we would keep it. It was given in the full knowledge that we would break it; and when we have broken it so completely that we are convinced of our utter need, then the Law has served its purpose. It has been our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, that He Himself may fulfill it in us (Gal. 3:24).



SermonIndex Twitter Posts - March 14, 2012

"With our fleshly nature, no matter how hard we try, or how many rules we make, we will bring forth the works of the flesh." - Derek Prince

"With the Spirit & without human effort -we will naturally bring forth the fruit of the Spirit. It is not effort, but union." - Derek Prince

follow us on twitter here:


Commendations About

'I am grateful to the Lord for Greg Gordon and SermonIndex. I know of no other place where one can get so many free materials from people who have not flinched from the cross of Christ and have lived lives that we can follow. This site is just what the body of Christ needs to prepare us for our Lord's return.'
- K.P. Yohannan (International Director of Gospel for Asia).

'How I thank the Lord for this great website and ministry. I am thankful that they make known so many of my own messages given over the last 50 years around the globe and so many other great messages. We need to all make this site more known.'
- George Verwer (Founder of Operation Mobilisation)

' has done the Body of Christ a great service by compiling and cataloguing thousands of sermons related to revival. Congratulations on ten years of ministry.'
- Byron Paulus (Executive Director of Life Action Ministries)

'Tell me another place online where you can listen to sermons from giants of the past like A. W. Tozer and Duncan Campbell, from passionate men of God like Leonard Ravenhill and David Wilkerson and Art Katz, from women with burning hearts like Basilea Schlink and Jackie Pullinger. What a gift from God to this generation is SermonIndex! In an age of extreme superficiality and shallowness -- much of it driven by the Internet -- it is only fitting that the Internet hosts a deep, penetrating website like this. May the fire go forth from here and touch multiplied millions!'
- Dr. Michael L. Brown (President, FIRE School of Ministry).

'I enjoy using sermon index because it allows me to listen to messages from preachers who have gone on to glory. It is important that we remember we stand on the shoulders of giants. Hearing these voices reminds me, 'If it's new, it's not true.' These Biblically based messages allow us to check ourselves. They especially give preachers who have limited resources for sermon preparation, a valuable tool to enhance their study.'
- Michael Catt (Pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church).

'Thanks SermonIndex for the collection of so many worthwhile messages from such godly preachers, teachers and writers. We are benefiting greatly from the easy access to such powerful material. Thanks for all of your work and generosity toward the body of Christ!'
- Rich Carmicheal (Editor, Herald Of His Coming)

'Surely this instrument (SermonIndex) has been Divinely forged for such a time as this. An effective tool in the hand of the Holy Spirit with which He has stirred the hearts of many to expect God to visit us again.'
- David Legge (Preacher/Evangelist, Preach The Word).

'When I think of the ministry of Sermon Index Isa. 59:19 quickly comes to my heart. 'When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.' The enemy surely has come in, but God will engage him. Sermon Index is one of His ways to engage the enemy. Praise God for a clear standard and banner to rally the troops with.'
- Denny Kenaston (Author Of The Godly Home Series).

'God has uniquely raised up as one of the primarily websites for pastors, church leaders, and interested believers who are trusting Him for revival in our day. This website allows us to feast on the treasures of godly men both past and present whose hearts and ministries God has profoundly touched to bless the world.'
- Ralph Sutera (Revivalist, Used in the 1970 revival in Canada).

'Sermon Index has influenced the lives of many thousands of people in a profound way. Recently a man came to see me who had listened to one of my sermons on-line. He said his small group was brought to a place of tears as the Lord took His Word and spoke to their hearts. May the Lord receive all the glory, and may continue to provide the means for people to hear His Word.'
- John McGregor (Pastor, Glencairn Alliance Church).

'A few years ago a friend introduced me to the ministry of Sermonindex and I was so blessed as I listened to sermons by some of the spiritual giants of the past. What a wealth of powerful preaching that most of us would never have access to if it were not for Sermonindex. One can only wonder how God will use this ministry in the next ten years.
John Bennett (Director, Faith Mission in Canada).

'I believe that God has initiated Sermon Index for His Glory and His purposes. Listeners can encounter Him more intimately through the preaching and listening of messages that stirs and warm the heart. I am so glad that Greg Gordon has responded to the prompting of our Lord to provide such a practical tool that could at the same time be used as a catalyst of Revival.'
- Francois Carr (Founder, Heart Cry South Africa).

'I can't think of one time I've ever been disappointed while perusing the SermonIndex site. For those who are desiring to be fed with Christ-centered sermons and materials, there is no other place online that I recommend more highly than SermonIndex. Thank, SermonIndex, for 10 years of faithfully doing your part in spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom to the uttermost parts of the earth.'
- Scott Volk (Pastor, FIRE Church, Charlotte, NC).

'Holy men of God preached in olden times because they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Such preaching is what has so ably capsulated for the hearer. Listen and be transformed.'
- David Ford (Preacher/Evangelist, Globe For Christ).

'Sermon index has become my 'goto' site for kindling the hearth of my heart to a flame. Sermon index is a non commercialized site that provides heart rending sermons of a bygone era, with messages that are desperately needed for my heart and the body of Christ today.'
- Kevin J Turner (President of Strategic World Impact)

'We are in desperate need of revival in our time and Sermonindex is being used by God to awaking the church to this need. Thank you for being willing to be obedient to the vision from Heaven' in continuing with this vital ministry.'
- Clayton Dougan (Preacher/Evangelist, Evangelism International).

'I have known Greg for five years now as a man of God with a very humble and meek spirit. Sermon Index is the outgrowth of his walk with God and has been a powerful tool for the Holy Spirit to use in ministering to the body of Christ world wide.'
- Don Courville (Pastor, Marantha Baptist Church).

'In an hour when truth is hard to find here is a resource for genuine believers to be preserved, instructed and stirred. I also commend Bro Gordon for providing such material free for the sake of promoting the person of Christ and the message of genuine revival.
- Keith Malcomson (Director, School of Christ International).

'After 10-years of faithfulness, SermonIndex stands out as one of the top on-line resources...underscoring the enormous importance of the Spirit's power and the desperate need for sound doctrine.'
- Shane Idleman (Pastor Of West Side Christian Fellowship)

'SermonIndex.Net is a powerful ministry and a great encouragement to the body of Christ. There is no charge, fee, or membership - which is amazing. I know Greg personally and he is a real man of God, with a huge servant's heart.'
-Randy Jones (Pastor Of Christ Our Lord Church)

'Gordon started exploring old messages and old books after being left disatisfied by some contemporary preaching. Stirred by his discoveries, Gordon designed a web site committed to the preservation and propogation of classical preaching in its audio form for this generation and the next.'
-Karen Stiller (Faith Today Canadian Magazine, Full Magazine interview)

A Word From The Founder

It is interesting how almost 10 years have passed since this website ministry began. Initially, I considered it just a personal response to my relationship with Jesus Christ and very exciting to share these impacting sermons with others. As time went on God clearly revealed that He has a purpose and plan through this website. There have been many failures and times of great successes, but the only true consistency has been the focus, glorification and trust in the person of Jesus Christ. I wrote a short paragraph to myself many years ago and felt it worthwhile to re-read many times since. It is what I heard the Lord speaking to my heart one day:

Remember it is the work of the Lord! God began it and He will be faithful to finish it for His testimony and glory. You are just a little boy with a few loaves and fish to give to Jesus. Depend on Him, not on yourself nor your abilities, ministry experience or self-confidence. Remember! It is still: Not by might, not by power but by His Spirit. A time is coming when you will stand before God. Everything done for self-promotion, praise of men or success will be burnt away, just a heap of ashes! The will of your Heavenly Father should be your only concern.

May God continue to be glorified greatly in this work, and may it build His kingdom only.
-Greg Gordon


Featured Audio: A Call For Prophetic Evangelistic Preaching by Alan Redpath


Alan Redpath the late pastor of moody church gave a powerful heart rending message on repentance to his local church that had a great reputation and also to the larger body of Christ in his day. This message is needed to be heard by many in this day also. This is a must-hear message you can download and listen to it here:

A Call For Prophetic Evangelistic Preaching by Alan Redpath

here are some comments from this sermon and how it has impacted people:

Prophetic (March 11/2012) comment id: 5408
Reviewed by: JohntheBap
I did not go to Church today, instead i heard this sermon A Call For Prophetic Evangelistic Preaching. where i have fellowship needs this type of Preching, short and to the point.A Pastor should Preach the Word 0f God to change peoples lives.

Prophetic word (March 08/2012) comment id: 5403
Reviewed by: wongie
wow powerfull sermon what an amazing God we have his word is so true, we need more massages like this because where the Spirit is then there is true repentance it's just what I had been praying this morning thankyou Lord.

God confirms His word (March 07/2012) comment id: 5400
Reviewed by: scruffy
I've just listened to the most powerful message I've ever heard. Been a born-again believer since feb1979, and am excited about what God wants today. This sermon has stirred my heart to repentance. For to long now,I've been slack concerning my relationship with my heavenly Father. What has been more sad is that I am the Pastor of a little known group called " Grass Roots Gospel Ministry",and the Lord has been speaking to me in that he wants REVIVAL in His church and it's time now, more than ever before, to preach the truth with authority in the mighty name of Jesus!!!!!! When the Truth is preached there is an annointing of God's Spirit that breaks the yoke of bondage and the truth sets men free.Amen

Prophetic Challenge and Call! (March 01/2012) comment id: 5395
Reviewed by: sermonindex
This message comes as a clarion cry to America in our day also, a cry for prophetic preaching. Oh that God would raise up such prophets in our midst to be able to proclaim THUS saith the Lord. May they also be baptized in the Love of God so they can have the true authority to preach such a message out of intimacy with the kindess of our Saviour.

Jeremiah pleading with tears to prepare and repent; Sorrows are upon us! (March 01/2012) comment id: 5394
Reviewed by: Brothertom
Wilkerson preached this after the housing collapse...maybe not long before his death in an auto crash recently...and the message is derived from Isaiah 24; the most intense tribulation prophecy in the Bible. Wilkerson points out that a OVERCOMING church is in it's midst; "The best of Times; the worst of Times." He is so passionate, that he "Ups" the anointing, as it has dovetailed into visions that he has had, and sorrows coming revealed in earlier revelation to him. In this, he reminds me of a Jeremiah, almost weeping at times, appealing to the church to believe that this; horror of horrors, is really on it's way....."And Church, prepare your hearts to meet your God!" kind of preaching. Very sobering and solid, and I say Amen......A must hear and obey word.....Tom Watkins

Ouch! Very hard hitting... (February 21/2012) comment id: 5384
Reviewed by: JoshG
This is one of the most fiery messages I have ever heard... Repent! Stop playing church!

Very Sharp (November 24/2008) comment id: 3003
Reviewed by: aquarelles
This will get into your bones- if you dare listen to it. Turn it on and be prepared to be arrested.


Our Dependence Must Be In The Lord by Greg Gordon

"My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore." - Psalm 131 (NIV)

Psalm 131 gives us a wonderful picture of having dependence on God in our Christian walks. One of the root and primary needs throughout our walk with God on this earth is to cater and enjoy a trusting and cleaving to God's ways and His voice. Life has so many different choices, voices and distractions. We must be disciplined to build a hour by hour, day by day trust and reliance on the Lord. Do you see yourself as a weaned child in the arms of our Lord? Is your trust in His provision and strength or in your own abilities and cleverness. God never uses clever people. Those who are clever in their own ways, God in His love has to bring them to an end of themselves so they will trust in the ways of the Lord and not the arm of the flesh.

Jacob is a wonderful example of this truth. His name means supplanter, one who wants to replace or more simply put deceiver! How would you like your name to be deceiver, or supplanter! Jacob had in him that old nature which wants to have it his own way, with his own cleverness, tricking and always ending out on top. God wanted to use this supplanter, so he orchestrated a series of events till God could rename him Israel which means struggle with God or in a simple word: governed by God. Imagine that! going from being a clever supplanter to one that is being governed and controlled by God. This is where the Lord wants all of His children to be, in a place of submission and dependence on Him.

There is a clear warning in this passage that those who occupy themselves with great matters will end up walking in the flesh and the ways of self energy and striving. To accomplish the will of the Lord we need the mind of the Lord. This only happens as we "quiet ourselves" in His presence and learn of Him. The prophet Jeremiah declares: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength" (Jeremiah 17:5). If you find yourself in the place of trusting in your own abilities and trying to make the work of the Lord happen you will find your heart turning away from the Lord. You will still be busy with many things and to many people seem to be fruitful but your heart walk with Jesus Christ will not be there and the fleshly show will not be of any eternal significance. Only the work of the Lord done His way will build His kingdom. Many ministries, sermons, churches and works done in the Name of God will in the end just be a pinch of dust at the judgement seat. Flesh or anything of self must not be our support or means.

I have found myself many times going on in a work for the Lord and at some-point realizing that the Lord let me go on ahead without Him. We have all experienced this in some ways, it is like talking to an individual on the phone but the line was disconnected yet you continue to ramble on. This is just how it is in doing a work for the Lord without being in vital and intimate communion with Jesus. One of my mentors always reminded me that the safest place in our walks with the Lord was either to be following in the shadow of Jesus or holding His hand. Otherwise we are prone to run ahead of Him in our zeal for the things of God. Have you gone ahead of God in His work? Do you feel empty, tired and have been struggling in the arm of the flesh? Repent, turn around and come back to the Lord. "Quiet yourself" in His presence and learn to hear Him again. He wants to use you for His kingdom work but we must do it out of our love and walk with the Lord.

It is God's mercy who keeps us from building a kingdom of man in the Name of the Lord. That is one of my prayers: "Lord keep me from doing a work for my glory or name, may everything I do be done for your glory." Jeremiah also has some wonderful and positive encouragements for us: "But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him" (Jeremiah 17:7). What a wonderfully happy and content person you will be in the work of God if your confidence and dependence is in the Lord and in His sufficiency. Jesus said clearly that He will build His church. But sadly he will let us build our own churches if we want to. If your hope is in the Lord and constant expectation is from Him, you will "never fail to bear fruit" and as our Lord said in John 15 we will "bear much fruit."

May God find us as a weaned child today in His arms depending on Him.


0 comments: Twitter Posts - Feb 2012

Here are some of the notable twitter posts in the prior month of Feburary:

"Without Holy Spirit boldness, the world will remain unevangelised." - George Verwer

"It is only the life of the Lord Jesus, His activity, clothed with you that will find the approval of God." - Major Ian Thomas

“Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall enjoy much peace." - Amy Carmichael

"God's people ought not to be looking for a place to hide, but a place to give themselves as an offering." - A.W. Tozer

"It is Christ Himself - His love - His life that is the more excellent way." - Phillip Keller

"The consequence for the church has been to forget that it is the Lord Jesus Christ who is its Head." - Phillip Keller

"This is the Christ you should be gathering around.He gave His life to be broken for others and you should be doing the same." Carter Conlon

“It is a sickening thought that, while Christians frequently quarrel, we never hear of the devils doing so." - C.H. Spurgeon

"God is more concerned that we strive for unity through sacrificial love than just getting a lot of ministry work done." - K.P. Yohannan

"If our body lay rotting on a dung heap, and our name was slandered by all, we would still have reason to praise Him." - Paul Washer

"Yea, in the time of your greatest trouble He will be most near you, and in your greatest distresses He will be most kind." - James Renwick

"Test of spirituality: Can you rejoice wholeheartedly when you see someone younger than you being more.. used by God than you?" - Zac Poonen

"Without the Holy Spirit, we are like the disciples before Pentecost -- sincere but struggling with confusion and defeat." - Jim Cymbala

For more posts go to our twitter account and follow us at:


SermonIndex celebrates an upcoming 10 years of ministry and over 20 million sermon downloads.

Contact: Greg Gordon, Founder of, 778-779-0097,

ABBOTSFORD, CANADA, March 1, 2012 / Christian Newswire/ -- In the Evangelical Christian world there are few things that remain hidden to many as a great resource and treasure to the church. One of these hidden treasures to some is the website ministry of This online ministry began very humbly just about 10 years ago when the founder Greg Gordon in his parents home ran across a book of Leonard Ravenhill's and when impacted by the message started to get this late preacher's sermons online. "I never really considered the website a ministry for the longest time; it simply began as a hobby," states Greg, "Only after the first million sermons where downloaded and many testimony letters came in that I realized God is powerfully using this website for His glory."

This "hobby" has now become one of the premier websites on the entire internet to receive free audio sermons by some of the best classic preachers from the past. Currently to date you can access literally hundreds of sermons from the famous preachers such as: A.W. Tozer, Leonard Ravenhill, David Wilkerson, Carter Conlon, George Verwer, Art Katz and many more. After almost 10 years of ministry, the website has expanded not only to host sermons but to run over 10 international conferences on revival where the attendance was free. Greg feels the style and burden of ministry is different than many other Christian organizations in the West: "I felt since the beginning to try and run the ministry for the lowest amount of resources while still maintaining the great impact for the kingdom." Perhaps unorthodox in some ways, Greg states some of the goals and principles of the work: "God told me never sell any of the sermon materials and to allow them to be copied for free personal use and free distribution." He continues, "We have never begged for money and have rarely made our needs known trusting God for all that is required to run the website and its outreaches."

To-date the website gives access to over 20,000 audio sermons in the mp3 format which can be downloaded to your computer or any modern media player. SermonIndex also offers materials in video, text and even some old vintage images of some of the classical preachers listed. Greg shares on the impact he has felt the website ministry has had over these years: "It is really hard to even gauge how God has used this ministry, we know roughly how many downloads are from the main site but we cannot even begin to estimate how many have been downloaded and listened to world-wide through other sites, radio, T.V. and other media outlets. Thus we give God 100% of the glory for His work and the way He is spreading these vital sermons to others."

Many famous leaders in the Church have commended this work and its almost 10 years of ministry now:

"This site is just what the body of Christ needs to prepare us for our Lord's return." - K.P. Yohannan (International Director of Gospel for Asia)

"How I thank the Lord for this great website and ministry." - George Verwer (Founder of Operation Mobilisation)

" has done the Body of Christ a great service by compiling and cataloguing thousands of sermons related to revival." - Byron Paulus (Executive Director of Life Action Ministries)

"What a gift from God to this generation is SermonIndex!" - Dr. Michael L. Brown (President, FIRE School of Ministry)

"I enjoy using sermon index because it allows me to listen to messages from preachers who have gone on to glory." - Michael Catt (Pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church)

"We are in desperate need of revival in our time and Sermonindex is being used by God to awaking the church to this need." - Clayton Dougan (Preacher/Evangelist, Evangelism International)

We end with a comment from the founder in which he wrote down many years ago and states that he has continually come back to read this to himself to remember that SermonIndex is a work of the Lord:

"Remember it is the work of the Lord! God began it and He will be faithful to finish it for His testimony and glory. You are just a little boy with a few loaves and fish to give to Jesus. Depend on Him, not on yourself nor your abilities, ministry experience or self-confidence. Remember! It is still: Not by might, not by power but by His Spirit. A time is coming when you will stand before God. Everything done for self-promotion, praise of men or success will be burnt away, just a heap of ashes! The will of your Heavenly Father should be your only concern."

(For more information or to set up a radio/blog/magazine interview with the founder of Greg Gordon, contact us at 778-779-0097 or email:

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